sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

Cardist World en el FIMAG'17

Pues bien, nos complace anunciar que el 11 de Junio vamos a dar la primera conferencia de cardistry  "Join the cardistry" a nivel nacional en un festival internacional de magia, el FIMAG'17.
Esta conferencia está enfocada en dar a conocer, enseñar y compartir ideas de cardistry entre todos los magos asistentes, y sobretodo, enfocar el cardistry como un arte compatible con la magia.

A parte de esta conferencia, todo el equipo de Cardist World, vamos a dar cinco pases de cinco minutos cada uno el mismo dia 11 por la tarde en este maravilloso festival.

Desde aquí queremos dar las gracias a FIMAG por su confianza, y esperemos que esta sea la primera colaboración de muchas.

En la misma web del FIMAG podreis encontrar toda la información.


lunes, 2 de enero de 2017

CTW 2016 @zenitk Feedback

Here you can see the feedback that Zenit Krau, one of our judges, has gave to the entries of CWT 2016.

@omar_aleman_08: That was dope, I really enjoyed watching this entry because it has very cool displays, nice flow, awesome combos and cool ideas. I really liked the angel, was insane! The location was cool, and watch out with the river, don’t drop your playing cards!

@sebastian_ggd: What can I say Sebas? I shouted so hard watching your video, the moves are insane and the scenography is very cool, and I can’t put a lower mark to this video just because is the best video I have seen in the tournament. Your ideas are incredible, the first move is a fuc**** jewel. Congrats Sebas, you worth it! Thanks for be in the earth.

@nathuanz: Oh man, I can say to you that this video is maybe my favourite in edition, you chose the music very well and you coordinate it perfectly. The moves are very cool, and well executed.

@arthur_dioxide: Arthur, I got excited when I watched your video for the first time because it’s your first complete and “well” recorded video, at least we could see it haha. The moves are very original and there are so many cool ideas, also you are improving so much. Congrats man.

@salvador7d: Hey, this video kick my ass so hard, I watched it so many times, and the music reminds me of The Virts, but combines perfectly. The flow you have performing moves is totally insane! Keep growing and congrats!

@ignamarga1: This video is so chill, I really enjoyed the background, because you chose a good place and this is good for your video. The Cardistry is nice and in general the video is Ok, good job man.

@smunoz47: I have been seeing this video since you posted it and I think you can do it better because your Cardistry is very good and one of my favourites in the tournament, and your video didn´t developed it well. But I think you are very good and you can do it better! Keep growing!

@aalexislpz: The most impressive thing of your video is the flow; I really liked your flow since I watched your video for the first time, you have skills in your veins, thanks for exist.

@saulsgarcia: Saul, my friend, you always worth it! I remember when you won jzkcontest, but we couldn’t finish it, now your skills and CWT give you back what you worth, the prizes. Congrats because you always do the best videos with Movie Maker in the world. Your flow, your moves, and all is perfect, keep improving. You are a god.

@britasendra: Hey Bernardo, your video surprise me since the first time I watched it, because you made a solid video with good moves, and normal editing, I think it’s nice to watch it. You have a good flow and some nice original moves. Keep it up!


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CWT 2016 Highlights

The Cardist World Tournament has now officially ended. @zenitk , @matifrnz , @joeycardist & @marcsabatvila have been judging this days, so in a few days we will reveal the results with all the marks from the judges etc, but now here are some of the highlights (they are not in order of a top) of the contest starring:

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Congrats and good luck to all the participants because your videos were insane! Stay tuned! The results will be reveal next week. Happy New Year!

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Tutorial of the week - Swingy 2 by Zenit Krau

Hoy traemos un move llamado Swingy 2 de uno de nuestros miembros, Zenit Krau.

"Today we took to you a move called Swingy 2 from one of our members , Zenit Krau."

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Aquí teneis el tuto de hoy :)

"Here you have today's tutorial :)"

sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Happy Cardistry by Juan Canon

Feliz Navidad y feliz año nuevo!!

"Merry christmas & happy new year!!"

Hoy traemos un video llamado Happy Cardistry de un cardist colombiano llamado Juan Canon.

"Today we took to you a video called Happy Cardistry from juan Canon from Colombia."

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Aquí teneis el tuto de hoy :)

"Here you have today's tutorial :)"

Tutorial of the week - Yong by Diego Tempura

Hoy traemos un move llamado Yong de un cardist chileno de 19 años llamado Diego Tempura.

"Today we took to you a move called Yong from Diego Tempura of 19 years old from Chile."

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Aquí teneis el tuto de hoy :)

"Here you have today's tutorial :)"

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Tutorial of the week - Detox by Jacques Levy

Hoy traemos un move llamado Detox de un cardist Español de 17 años llamado Jacques Levy.

"Today we took to you a move called Detox from Jacques Levy of 17 years old from Spain."

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Aquí teneis el tuto de hoy :)

"Here you have today's tutorial :)"